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A Step-by-Step Guide to Installing OpenLiteSpeed on CentOS


OpenLiteSpeed is a high-performance and lightweight open-source web server that can significantly enhance the speed and efficiency of web applications. In this article, we will walk you through the process of installing OpenLiteSpeed on a CentOS server, covering essential steps from deploying a cloud server to securing your OpenLiteSpeed installation with SSL certificates.

  1. Deploying Cloud Server:

Before installing OpenLiteSpeed, you need a CentOS server. This could be a virtual private server (VPS) from a cloud service provider like AWS, DigitalOcean, or MadPopo. Ensure that your server meets the system requirements for OpenLiteSpeed.

  1. Configuring Firewall Rules:

Securing your server is crucial. Configure the firewall to allow traffic on the necessary ports. Typically, OpenLiteSpeed uses ports 8088 for HTTP and 7080 for the admin interface. Use the following commands to open these ports:

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8088/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=7080/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
  1. Installing OpenLiteSpeed Server:

Update your system’s package repository and install OpenLiteSpeed with the following commands:

sudo yum update
sudo yum install openlitespeed
  1. Setting the Admin Password:

Once installed, set the admin password using the following command:

sudo /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/

Follow the prompts to set a secure password for the OpenLiteSpeed administration panel.

  1. Configuring the Domain Name:

Configure your domain name to point to your server’s IP address. You can do this by updating your domain registrar’s DNS settings.

  1. Obtaining SSL Certificates:

For enhanced security, obtain SSL certificates for your domain. Let’s Encrypt is a popular and free certificate authority. Install Certbot and obtain SSL certificates with the following commands:

sudo yum install certbot
sudo certbot certonly --webroot -w /usr/local/lsws/Example/html/ -d

Replace “” with your actual domain name.

  1. Enabling HTTPS for the Admin Panel:

Update the OpenLiteSpeed admin listener to use HTTPS. Edit the listener configuration file:

sudo nano /usr/local/lsws/admin/conf/httpd_config.conf

Find the following lines and update them:

listener SSL {
  address         *:7080
  keyFile         /usr/local/lsws/admin/conf/webadmin-key.pem
  certFile        /usr/local/lsws/admin/conf/webadmin-cert.pem

Save the file and restart the OpenLiteSpeed admin service:

sudo systemctl restart lsws
  1. Enabling HTTPS on the Frontend:

Update the OpenLiteSpeed virtual host configuration for your domain. Edit the virtual host configuration file:

sudo nano /usr/local/lsws/conf/vhosts/Example/vhconf.conf

Find the following lines and update them:

listener Default {
  add Default
  map $VH_ROOT
  ssl {
    keyFile         $SERVER_ROOT/conf/ssl/
    certFile        $SERVER_ROOT/conf/ssl/

Save the file and restart OpenLiteSpeed:

sudo systemctl restart lsws

Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed and configured OpenLiteSpeed on CentOS on the MadPopo Cloud Server, securing it with HTTPS for both the admin panel and the front end. This setup not only improves performance but also enhances the security of your web applications.

Sanyog Shelar

passionate about programming and system architecture design, and he uses his deep knowledge to help clients achieve their goals. He also shares his expertise on various cybersecurity issues and offers practical advice on how to protect against common threats. In addition to his technical skills, Sanyog is an expert in server management and is able to provide expert advice on how to manage web applications at the server level.

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